Helpful Hints About Odorous House Ant Control

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At Quality Control, Inc., we offer odorous house ant control to our customers, ridding homes of these pesky ants. But what are odorous ants, and what can you do to prevent them from entering your home?

Helpful Hints About Odorous House Ant Control

  1. They like to eat sweets. A fun fact – an odorous ant’s favorite food is honeydew melon! They prefer to feed off anything sweet but will also eat any variety of human or pet food. Be sure to keep food out of their reach.
  2. They prefer to live near moisture sources. You can find odorous ants near pipes, leaky fixtures, and moist wood. They do not build nests from dirt but find areas already suitable for inhabiting. They prefer cool, shaded, wet areas.
  3. They don’t pose a severe health risk but can contaminate food. It is always best to contact a professional to have them administer odorous house ant control to keep your family safe. Odorous house ants don’t sting but will bite if their nest is violated.
  4. They move their nests frequently. Odorous ants move their nests every three months or so in response to rain. They are also most likely to be seen inside after a heavy bout of rain.
  5. They’re named for their smell. Strangely enough, these ants emit an odor like rotting coconut when smashed!

To practice odorous house ant control in your home, empty trash cans regularly, store food properly, and fix leaks quickly. Outdoors, remove mulch, pine straw, and leaves away from your home’s exterior, remove any wood, such as stacked firewood, away from the house, keep hoses from dripping, and clean up pet food promptly.