How to Tell if Carpenter Ant Control is Working

HomeBlogHow to Tell if Carpenter Ant Control is Working

Carpenter ants, or wood ants, can cause a lot of damage to your home. They bore into wood to create their nests. The good news is that they rarely attack humans; the bad news is that they can destroy your home.

How to Tell if Carpenter Ant Control is Working

To see if your carpenter ant control plan is working, look for the well-defined trails of foraging carpenter ants at dusk. It is crucial that your efforts, whether done by a professional or yourself, include finding the nest. The colony will only go away once the nest is destroyed. If your carpenter ant control method is successful, you can take steps to keep the ants from coming back.

  • Replace Wet, Decaying Wood as Needed- Strangely enough, carpenter ants do not typically threaten wood with structural integrity. If you notice any rotting wood in your home, replace it. If the colony is in your walls, you’ll have the task of replacing the damaged wood.
  • Find the Source of the Moisture- You need to find what is causing the moisture in your walls so the carpenter ant control measures will work. You can replace the wood, but it will only get wet and rot if the leak is not fixed. The good news is that if the colony is in a tree or woodpile, you can remove the nest, and the ants should disappear.
  • Get a Pro for Carpenter Ant Control- The only way to know if a severe infestation of carpenter ants has been resolved is to work with a professional pest control company. We have the equipment that applies treatments better than you can at a store. Contact us if you suspect a carpenter ant problem or if your carpenter ant control efforts are working.