Get your spider control problem under control with Quality Control, Inc.
While they might be tiny, the fear and anxiety that is cast upon many of us at the sight of a spider in our home is quite large! Spiders are often harmless, but the ones that can cause harm to humans can do so quickly, sometimes without us even feeling a bite. Dangerous spiders are a potential problem no matter where you live, and we here at Quality Control, Inc. want to ensure that you don’t have to stay in your home fearful of sharing the space with any eight-legged roommates. If you are looking for spider control in the area of North Wilkesboro and Mt. Airy, North Carolina, then we here at Quality Control, Inc. would love to help you.
Because there are so many different species of spiders out there, you need someone who knows their pests as much as they know the area in order to get the best results. Here at Quality Control, Inc., you will be working with a company that has over 30 years of experience in the area with pests like the spiders you might be struggling to eradicate. Not only does this ensure a better chance of getting rid of your spiders, but it means that you will have someone with experience knowing how the spiders are gaining entrance and the best way to stop them.
If you are struggling with spider control methods on your own or simply don’t want to take any risks after seeing a few spiders, then let our team here at Quality Control, Inc. help with your spider control needs. Contact us today to learn more!
FAQs about Spider Control
At Quality Control, Inc. we understand that most people only have one question when it comes to spiders- how do I make them go away as quickly as possible? Others might have natural curiosity or even a fondness for them. Regardless of your attitude toward spiders, you likely don’t want your home to be overrun with them. When it comes to spider control, you may have several questions that we’d be happy to answer when you contact us. Here are a few of the most common ones we are asked:
Can I have problems with spiders if a pest control product has been placed around the perimeter of my home?
Unfortunately, the products that provide a barrier most pests won’t cross aren’t effective on spiders. Spider control involves killing them directly and eliminating the pests they feed on, so they don’t find your home as enticing. In this regard, the perimeter product should reduce spider numbers, but may not eliminate them completely. There are also some products that spiders generally avoid, even though the product won’t kill them.
Are there steps I can take to minimize spiders?
You can do many things for spider control yourself, including sealing all cracks and entry points, getting rid of spider webs and spiders before they produce eggs, and using traps (the ones for cockroaches actually work with spiders too!) If you have tried these methods and you still have a spider problem, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
How effective are DIY methods for dealing with a spider infestation?
They aren’t. In fact, some spider species, such as brown recluse spiders, are harder to eliminate than most pests. They are exceptionally hardy and good at staying hidden. Add in that they are a dangerous, venomous spider and it’s highly recommended that you call for professional spider control.
At Quality Control, Inc., we offer spider control in North Wilkesboro, Mount Airy, Jefferson, Lenoir, High Point, Mocksville, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Boone, and Mooresville, as well as Alexander County, Alleghany County, Ashe County, Caldwell County, Davidson County, Davie County, Forsyth County, Guilford County, Iredell County, Stokes County, Surry County, Wilkes County, and Yadkin County, North Carolina, and Stuart, Wytheville, and Hillsville, as well as Carroll County, Floyd County, Grayson County, Henry County, Patrick County, and Wythe County, Virginia.