Spring Real Estate is Warming Up! Get Your Real Estate Inspections Going.

HomeBlogSpring Real Estate is Warming Up! Get Your Real Estate Inspections Going.

Once the weather starts to warm up, there are many things that people look forward to! Whether you are looking forward to planting your garden or putting your home on the market, you want to make sure that everything is ready to go for the warmer weather. Here at Quality Control, Inc., we want to help you with your pest control needs, including things like real estate inspections for upcoming sales or purchases of properties in the area.

Get Your Real Estate Inspections Going

Real estate inspections done by our team at Quality Control, Inc. are different than real estate inspections that are looking for foundation or structural problems. When we do a real estate inspection, we are looking not just for signs of current pest control issues, but red flags that might make your property vulnerable to pests in the future. This can include things like a damp crawlspace with soft wood that termites love or a woodpile that is placed too close to the property, providing a potential habitat for spiders or mice. Whether you are buying or selling a property, a real estate inspection from us here at Quality Control, Inc. is a great piece of information that you will want to have going into negotiations.

During this spring season, be sure your spring cleaning goes beyond extra dusting and decluttering. A real estate inspection for harmful pests or wildlife can be just as, if not more, beneficial. To learn more, please contact us today.