Keys to Effective Termite Control [infographic]

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At Quality Control Inc., we know your home is important to you, and we want to help you keep it safe from termites and other wood-destroying insects. Our team offers comprehensive termite control services to help you deal with active termite infestations and to prevent more termites from attacking your home in the future. Here is a brief overview of the key steps in our termite control process:

  • Inspection – The first key to effective termite control is to inspect the property regularly for signs of these insects. We’ve seen termites do significant damage before the homeowners were aware they had a problem, and we want to help you avoid the same fate. We will thoroughly inspect your home for any signs of termite activity, and we will recommend the best course of action based on our findings.

Keys to Effective Termite Control

  • Prevention – The second key step in our termite control process is prevention. Our team will use chemical treatments to create a protective barrier around the exterior and interior of your home, which will go a long way to prevent any termites from getting inside. We are happy to renew these treatments as often as necessary to make sure they continue to do their job.
  • Treatment – Lastly, if our other termite control methods fail and termites successfully invade your home, we can provide the aggressive extermination treatments you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Our team has extensive experience in the termite control industry, and we know how to eliminate a termite colony before it can damage your property even more.

If you want to know more about our termite control services or want to give them a try for yourself, just give us a call to get our experts on the job.